PowerShell Scripts

These are few useful PowerShell scripts that i have compiled time to time. These are really helpful and quick way to perform multiple actions and automate things in SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013 environments.

This PowerShell script traverse all the custom solutions deployed in Central Admin and the features that get deployed under that solutions.

It exports following items.
1. Solution ID
2. Solution Name
3. Feature ID
4. Feature Name
5. Feature Scope

URL : http://fixingsharepoint.blogspot.com/2017/02/all-farm-features-with-solutions.html
This script will work on SharePoint 2013 environment where you have a classic mode web application migrated from SharePoint 2010 or MOSS 2007.

URL :  http://fixingsharepoint.blogspot.com/2017/02/convert-classic-to-claims-mode.html
This script will change the content of a Content Editor WebPart based on its title. You can append or repalce the content.
URL :  http://fixingsharepoint.blogspot.com/2017/02/change-content-of-content-editor.html
This PowerShell Script will output all items count inside the provided Site Collections list. It will traverse through Site Collections then all sub sites then all list/libraries and output result in a csv file.
URL :  http://fixingsharepoint.blogspot.com/2017/02/count-all-listlibraries-items-using.html
This script will traverse all the provided Site Collections and all the webs inside each Site Collection to extract its template. It will also extract Web Template ID as well.
It exports following items.
1. Site Collection URL
2. Web URL
3. Template Name
4. Template ID
URL :  http://fixingsharepoint.blogspot.com/2017/02/get-all-web-templates-using-powershell.html
This Script will iterate through all the provided Site Collections and export the attached Workflows with a list in a CSV file. It will also generate a log file that contains the script execution logs.
It exports following items.
1. Site Collection URL
2. Web URL
3. List Name
4. Workflows Count
URL :  http://fixingsharepoint.blogspot.com/2017/02/find-attached-workflows-to-list-in.html
Below is the code that you can use to mount multiple content databases with SharePoint (2010 or 2013 or 2016).

URL :  http://fixingsharepoint.blogspot.com/2017/05/powershell-script-mount-multiple.html


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