Find All Farm Features With Solution Names Using PowerShell SharePoint 2013

This PowerShell script traverse all the custom solutions deployed in Central Admin and the features that get deployed under that solutions. 

It exports following items.
1. Solution ID
2. Solution Name
3. Feature ID
4. Feature Name
5. Feature Scope

 You can change the paths accordingly.

Start-Transcript "C:\FeatureLogs.txt"
foreach ($solution in $farm.Solutions) 
               $solId = (Get-SPSolution $solution.DisplayName).Id
               foreach($featcher in (Get-SPFeature | where {$_.solutionId -eq $solId}))
                $SolutionID = $solution.DisplayName
                $output = $  +  "`t"  + $solution.DisplayName +  "`t"  + $ +  "`t"  + $featcher.DisplayName +  "`t"  + $featcher.Scope  
                Write-Host $output



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