Change Content of Content Editor WebPart Using PowerShell SharePoint 2013
This PowerShell script will change the content of a content editor webpart based on its title. You can change the title of target webpart as well as in PowerShell script too.
1. Site
Collections File
2. Open
SharePoint 2013 Management Shell
3. Change
directory path where script file is saved.
1. Site
Collections File
Create text file with name “SiteCollections.txt” in the same
directory where script file is present.
Write site collections urls in “SiteCollections” file.
Make it sure each url should be in new line and write “End
Point” at the end as shown below. End Point is a reserve word for this script.
2. Open
SharePoint 2013 Management Shell
3. Change
directory path where script file is saved.
4. Type script name
Copy and Save this script with name like ChangeWebPartContent.ps1 and ps1 extention.
Type ”./ ChangeWebPartContent.ps1 –path “directory path\SiteCollections.txt” –overwrite o “ and press enter key.
Type ”./ ChangeWebPartContent.ps1 –path “directory path\SiteCollections.txt” –overwrite o “ and press enter key.
”./ ChangeWebPartContent.ps1 –path “directory path\SiteCollections.txt”
–overwrite A “ and press enter
o will over write web part content and –overwrite a will append to web part
param([string]$Path = "", [string]$Overwrite = "") Function ChangeWebPartContent([string]$SPSite, [string]$OverWriteContent) { #Write-Host "Site : " $SPSite " Overwrite : " $OverWriteContent $site=Get-SPSite $SPSite -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($site -ne $null) {Write-Host "Web Found: " $site.RootWeb.URL} else{ [console]::ForegroundColor = "Red" write-Host "Web Not Found: " $SPSite [console]::ForegroundColor = "White" } #Loop throgh each subsite in the site collection try{ $file= $web.GetFile($site.RootWeb.RootFolder.WelcomePage) #Write-Host "Found Welcome Page: " $web.URL } catch [System.Exception] { #Write-Host $_.Exception.Message #Write-Host "Unable to get Welcome Page: " $web.URL } foreach($web in $Site.RootWeb) { #Get the Default.aspx file try{ $file= $web.GetFile($web.Url +$web.RootFolder.WelcomePage) } catch { } #Write-Host $file.URL if($file.Exists) { #Web Part Manager to get all web parts from the file $WebPartManager = $web.GetLimitedWebPartManager( $file, [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared) #Iterate through each web part foreach($webPart in $WebPartManager.WebParts) { # Get the Content Editor web part with specific Title if( ($webPart.title -eq "My Custom Web Part" -Or $webPart.title -eq "Target Web Part Title" -and ($webPart.GetType() -eq [Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.ContentEditorWebPart]) ) { try{ #Content to be Placed inside CEWP $HtmlContent= "Hello, this is updated content." $XmlDoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument $contentXml=$xmlDoc.CreateElement("content") if($OverWriteContent -eq "A") { $HtmlContent = $webpart.Content.InnerText + $HtmlContent } $contentXml.InnerText = $HtmlContent #Set content and Save $webpart.Content = $contentXml $webPartManager.SaveChanges($webPart); [console]::ForegroundColor = "Green" Write-Host "Webpart found: " $web.URL [console]::ForegroundColor = "White" } catch [System.Exception] { #Write-Host $_.Exception.Message [console]::ForegroundColor = "Red" Write-Host "Unable to update webpart: " $web.URL [console]::ForegroundColor = "White" } } } } } } ############################################################################################################################################ $SitesArray = Get-Content -Path ($ScriptPath) $OverWriteData = $OverWrite if($OverWriteData -eq "O" -Or $OverWriteData -eq "A") { for($i=0; $i -le $SitesArray.Length; $i++) { if($SitesArray[$i] -ne "End Point" -And $SitesArray[$i].Length -gt "5") { ChangeWebPartContent $SitesArray[$i] $OverWrite } } } else { [console]::ForegroundColor = "Red" Write-Host "Unknown input, try again...!" [console]::ForegroundColor = "White" }
Thank You for words. :)